Finding God's presence in the simplicity of nature | Local is Lekker ZA | African Gifts

Wild Kids Mom Blog

A short, sweet devotional from a farmer’s wife and mum

Finding God's presence in the simplicity of nature | Local is Lekker ZA | African Gifts

Finding God's Presence in the Simplicity of Nature

Proverbs 22 verse 6

Train up your children in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

One of the privileges of being a farmer’s wife and homeschooling mother is the blessing of witnessing firsthand the wonders of God’s creation each day. Just going on a simple walk with my three children and seeing the beauty and different aspects of nature tells us how great our God is!

We just have to look around to see the omnipresence of God. God gives life to man, nature and everything else. One of the simplest yet most profound ways to connect with God in nature is through observation and appreciation. Taking the time to step outside and marvel at the world around us. There are days when we have had the privilege to look out of our classroom window to see birds nesting and then eventually, over time, fly off.

As parents and educators (weather you homeschool or not, you are responsible to teach your children their most fundamental life lessons), we have a unique opportunity to instill a sense of wonder and reverence for nature in our children. Seize teachable moments as they arise, whether it’s watching birds build their nests, observing the changing seasons or tending to a garden. Use these experiences as springboards for conversations about God’s handiwork and the interconnectedness of all living things while they learn about the greatness of God.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for the abundance of blessings that surround you each day. Pause to give thanks for the simple pleasures of a sunrise, the laughter of children, and the gentle rhythm of the seasons. Approach each day with a sense of wonder and curiosity, eager to uncover the hidden treasures that await you in God’s creation.

Application of today’s reading:

Use your time in nature as an opportunity for prayer and reflection. Allow the beauty of God’s creation to nourish your soul and draw you closer to the divine presence that surrounds you.

With warmth, love and gratitude,


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