Tayl 2 -Through the Lickerty Lollipop Woods

A dance through the Lickerty Lollipop Woods! Tjeezie Tea-Tyme Tayl 2: A skip and a lick through the Lickerty Shlurpity Lollipop Woods with the Tusker and the Busker delighting us with their journey of curds, not whey, and hot-cross buns with the mysterious, inevitable cup of tea!

Please, please, please don’t sneeeze on that tjeeze!

A collection of erratic rhyming words, homophones, homonyms, and fun to delight the inner child who resides within each of us!

Made in South Africa


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Through the Lickerty Lollipop Woods (Tayl 2) by Erratic Tales

“The delightful Tayl of the Elephant wearing a multi-coloured coat, to confuse the invisible goat… dance with us through the lickerty, shlurpity, lollipop woods with tasty tea and yummy tjeeze. T’is nice if you please, but please, please, please don’t sneeze on the tjeeze – s’not nice at all!”

Erratic Tales to tweak your tail, make you laugh out loud, explore wordplay, and bring fun into your day with e-Rat-eeeeeck rhymes.
Enjoy great tongue-twisting times!

Unleash your imagination with a captivating tale that journeys Through the Lickerty Lollipop Woods.
Engage with us on every page of this delightful story that’s designed to bring joy and laughter.

Tayl 2 -Through the Lickerty Lollipop Woods | Local is Lekker ZA | African Gifts

A collection of erratic rhyming words, homophones, homonyms, and fun to delight the inner child who resides within each of us!
“Playing with words, and drawing little birds, And you might ask why? Is it just pie in the sky?
Or is it to amuse your small inner muse?
Or tweak your tail, with endless erratic tales
about twisted Ratty Taylz
To expand your brain and open your eyes
So that you can become somewhat wise.”
-Erratic Tales

Hop over to our  Erratic Tales for a sneak peek at our other captivating tales, a blend of erratic rhymes and homophones.

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Additional information

Story Tales

13cm x 19cm -44 pages



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